Tina Peacock / High School
Ms. Tina M. Peacock
Social Studies
Jr. High/High School
Room 105
EXT. 1387
I have been a member of the Sharyland High School Alternative Educational Program faculty since 2008. I received my Bachelor of Science in Recreational Administration from Southwest Texas State University in 1989 and hold teaching certifications in Physical Education, Social Studies Composite, and Special Education.

8:15-8:55 CDL
9:00-10:10 Conference
10:10-11:20 World Geography/U.S History
11:20-1150 Lunch
11:50-1:00 U.S History/Government
1:00-2:10 World History/Economics
2:10-3:20 Jr. High Social Studies
3:20-4:00 PBL
Implementing all Social Studies Curriculum for Sharyland High School, Pioneers High School,
BL Gray Jr. High, and North Jr. High.